Lucky dancer Most Popular Tik Tok Star

Lucky Dancer is a No.9 Tik Tok Star in India and No.27 in World

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User Name : @luckydancer5454

Lucky Dancer Social Account :

lucky dancer facebook account
lucky dancer instagram accountlucky dancer youtube channel

Lucky Dancer Social Follower :

Facebook Follower    : 45+ K

YouTube Subscriber  : 135+ K

Instagram Follower  : 2.4+ M

Lucky Dancer Tik Tok( Info :

User name   : @luckydancer5454

Follower      : 15.2+ M

Total like     : 618.0+ M

Most like     : 4.6+ M

Most view    : 88.0+ M

Total Video  : 2028+

Lucky dancer Personal Info :

Name           : Arhan Khan

Birthday      : 4 Sept 2001

Age               : 18 Year

Birth Place  : New Delhi, India

Lives in        : New Delhi, India

Nationality  : Indian

Profession   : Model,Dancer, Influencer

Eye color     : Light Grey

Hair color   : Light Brown

Height         : 5 feet 6 inch

Weight        : 53 Kg ( Pound: 116.845 )

Net Worth  : $16.86 - $22.48K

Relationship Status : Single

Lucky dancer Family :

Father Name    : Not Known

Mother Name  : Not Known

Brother Name : Salman Khan

Sister Name     : Tanya Khan

Lucky dancer Career :

at the age of 14(2015), He started to post online videos and Contents. Lucky at a very age gained a greatly of reputation, and popularity. He has group of dancer titled team nawab. he also has his own dance academy  where he teaches dance to everyone.Beside dancing, He is also a gym lover and he also tocuses on build in  body .

Lucky dancer Top 4 Tik Tok Video :

1. ( coming Soon )

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Article Update : 03/02/2020
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